Toffee Jar!

One of the fondest memories we have as kids is - finding our way to the toffee jar kept hidden from us in the kitchen cupboard. Remember when we used…

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Life’s Little Lessons!

There was a phase of my life when I was miserably low on confidence. Anything I did turned to dust. I was rejected by jobs, rejected by someone I was…

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Zeigarnik Effect

It is not observations that surround us, but insights that have the power to transform how we see things. Insights provide depth & understanding, allowing us to interpret & engage…

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Chess – 64 boxes on a board

Chess - the game of concentration, strategy & changes, all contained within 64 boxes on a board, offers us a lot to learn. These teachings encompass all avenues of our…

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Reflection of Life in Water

If you were asked to pick a water body that inspires you the most, what would you pick? A river, perhaps? Free-flowing & forward moving. Beginning from the tops &…

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Life’s Little Lessons!

I don't like visiting that relative of mine I can't speak in front of that crowd I feel they are all judging me Don’t we all? It's a human tendency…

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How do you make your life easy?

Career, Money, Relationships & so on. These are things that can sometimes get complicated. They are integrated so immensely into our lives that we cannot ignore them, even if we…

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Life Lessons from Snake – Spirit Animals Campaign

"Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy." - Isaac Newton We have a lot to learn from Nature & especially from animals- survival, strength, adaptation. Now, we…

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