Work from Anywhere – The New Normal

What if someone told you that you can work from anywhere? That you could simply open your laptop & start working from any place you are? This would have sounded…

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Life’s Little Lessons!

I don't like visiting that relative of mine I can't speak in front of that crowd I feel they are all judging me Don’t we all? It's a human tendency…

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How do you make your life easy?

Career, Money, Relationships & so on. These are things that can sometimes get complicated. They are integrated so immensely into our lives that we cannot ignore them, even if we…

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Be the change you want to see in the world

You do not have to move mountains to be an ‘invaluable asset’ to the world. You do not have to go around saving people or make great scientific discoveries to…

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Life Lessons from Snake – Spirit Animals Campaign

"Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy." - Isaac Newton We have a lot to learn from Nature & especially from animals- survival, strength, adaptation. Now, we…

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