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What is it that you are looking to do to take your career to the next level?

“I am trying to look for a better job.”

This is a common response people give when they are asked how they plan to progress in their careers.

Unfortunately, “looking for a different job” is not a solution. It is just a short-term ‘playing it safe’ strategy that does not lead to long-term fulfillment or growth.

This is because one can never find a “better job”.

Something will always be ‘Better’ than the other, & the quest for a “better job” can become a never-ending cycle.

“Finding a better job” is, thus, nothing but a myth that distracts from real career growth.

Instead, to progress in your career, it is much more important to focus on career development.

This means focusing on exploring your interests, upskilling yourself, doing relevant internships (even if it means working for free), and picking up freelance work to build your experience.

Career development is more long-term & focused on your strategic vision for your professional & presonal growth that you have identified for yourself.

Finding a “better job” is then just a drop in the ocean compared to the broader & more impactful journey of career development. Career development is the entire ocean, vast & full of opportunities.

Focus on stepping up & growth rather than attaching your purpose to ‘finding a job’.

Reflect on what you can do to enhance your skills, expand your network, & build a career that aligns with your passions & goals.

How are you progressing further in your career?

What is your job search strategy?

Are you looking for a better job or a better career?

These are important questions to consider as you navigate your professional journey & strive for long-term success & satisfaction.

What are your thoughts on this?