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The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted much of our daily lives online—education, work, and social interactions have all found a new home on digital platforms. This transition feels like watching your life unfold as if it were a movie, where you are both the actor and the spectator. Amidst these changes, finding a job has become more challenging, with a noticeable shift in recruitment practices. ‘Online’ has become the new normal, and telephonic interviews have emerged as a common hurdle for job seekers.

Overcoming Telephonic Interview Anxiety

Telephonic interviews can be daunting, but with the right preparation, they can become manageable and even successful. Here are some tips to help you navigate and conquer telephonic interview anxiety:

Test Your Connectivity:

Before your interview, call someone to ensure there are no connectivity issues. A stable connection is crucial for a smooth conversation.

Choose a Quiet Environment:

Find a quiet place to take your interview. This will help minimize distractions and allow you to focus fully on the conversation.

Match the Interviewer’s Tone:

Listen carefully to your interviewer’s voice and try to emulate their tone. If they sound neutral, stay neutral. If they sound friendly, reciprocate with the same energy.


Believe it or not, your smile can be heard over the phone. Smiling can help convey confidence and positivity. Sitting up straight and dressing as if for a face-to-face interview can also enhance your confidence and professionalism.

Be Prepared and Responsive:

Keep a notepad handy to jot down important points that may come up during the interview. Being responsive and taking notes shows that you are engaged and serious about the opportunity.

End on a Positive Note:

Always say thank you and end the interview on a positive note. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reaffirm your interest in the position.

Preparing for a telephonic interview involves more than just rehearsing answers to common questions. It’s about creating an environment that allows you to be at your best and adopting strategies that help you connect with the interviewer despite the lack of visual cues.

How Do You Prepare for Your Telephonic Interviews?