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What Is The HOTTEST Word Used In Headlines On Linkedin Profiles?

We found 1.5 Million profiles on Linkedin using this word.

Any guesses?
No, it’s not IIT or IIM or Harvard

The hottest word on LinkedIn profiles is “Ex.” Yes, it’s strange, isn’t it?

Ex Ceo, Ex-Uber, Ex Cxo… the list is endless.
Everyone wants to talk about what they have done. This just goes to show how the world is living in past glory.

Strangely they don’t want to focus on the present.

Probably they need something to make them feel confident.
Or do they feel they were doing well in life but now not doing anymore?
Or do they want the world to know they have had a glorious past?

Whatever the reason, it does not limit the person & his/her thoughts about what the person is capable of doing.

Strangely, no one says ex-IIM, IIT, or MIT:)
So does it mean that education stays with us in the present but experiences don’t?

Or do they want to carry the past as a badge of honour?

When I was a kid, I won first prize in a painting competition in which 15 schools participated. It was my first & only prize I won. I hung on to it for 20 years before I threw it away. I did not need it anymore to remind me.

Why do you need “ex”?

P.S: Maybe we don’t want to forget our “ex” in both personal & professional life