A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, shows the way (John C. Maxwell). We believe that every individual has the capability within to become a Leader irrespective of Career stage, Life phase, Hierarchies or Experience & can reach there by the BlewMinds nudge of Executive Coaching interventions. We aid our Coachees to harness this latent inner potential for larger successes. We act as leadership consultants & Coach HiPos across levels, including Mid Managers & Senior Leaders. We work with CXOs, Board level members & key Leadership of various organizations, to partner with them in their journey of inner transformation. We work on the oncological levels of Be & Being around sustainable inner transformation.

We Group Coach & Personal Coach individuals, also work with teams for better collaboration & self-awareness which are the pillars of developing good leadership skills. Our Oxford Frameworks & Tools are based on a Strengths approach; overcoming one’s fears, stereotypes & past baggage for better productivity. Our Coaching academia is based on a long-term journey of growth & transformation spread over a term of 6-9 months & we deploy self-reflective unconventional tools for scientific validation. We spearhead a Methodology termed as the ‘Leadership Marathon’ where we work with Leaders across levels & years of experience to help them last a Marathon on congruence & consistency rather than run a short-term sprint where they burn out faster or end up indulging in error-prone business decisions. 

BlewMinds does not refer to Leadership as mere ‘Titular Leadership’ – it talks about ‘enabling, empowering, driving, making-results-happen kind of Leaders’. It is about that role of responsibility, capability, charm & competencies which help individuals transform themselves to be powerful from within.We coach & consult in areas of Leadership such that when they return to work, they create more Leaders in the workplace. We build Leaders of congruence at personal spaces & also at workplaces. Some of our Flagship & Signature Leadership products, interventions or services are driven by Global collaborations with renowned Indian Celebrities with a cause, Global Speakers, Artists, Soul Coaches, Award Winning Actors, successful & grounded Sports persons.

We base such interventions on powerful Global models, Leadership frameworks & unconventional sustainable conceptual learning experiences. Leadership Coaching for us encompasses Leadership Strategy, Advisory, Execution & Coaching. It is about building a positive Cultural mindset & artifacts.

Areas Of Leadership Coaching

Unconventional Learning Coaching & Consulting

Our Strengths lie in understanding markets, organizational contexts of our client, offering what makes pragmatic business sense to them & also gently nudging them towards thinking differently. As a Team, we bring in more than 3 decades of combined experience of diverse environments, corporations & industries. This Global experience helps us work with clients by speaking a language that they understand & enabling them to think ahead (Feet on Street & Feed Forward Methodologies). We work around building faith, retaining market credibility, eliminating non productive gaps, banishing non efficient leaks & accordingly guiding progress.

Our strengths lie in making meaning out of nothing & in drawing our unprecedented insights from experiences, seemingly impossible metaphorical connects to our Soul Purpose, Sweet Spots, Inner calling, Unconscious & Leadership.

We deploy iconoclastic Concepts including nontraditional eLearning, Arty Leadership, ArdhNareshwar, Alcoholic Leadership, Fit Leadership, Fragrant Leadership, Naked Leadership, Wicked Leadership & Soul Leadership. Our conventionality of Coaching methodologies range from a Mythology connect to Neurosciences, Behavioral Sciences, Appreciative Enquiry, Psychometrics, Whole Brain Theory, Music, Arts, Theatre, Outbound Learning, Experiential Learning, Virtual Reality, Premier League, Adventure Training, Gamification to Laboratory Training.

We enable individuals to dip into their hidden creative sides & unleash the potential contained within. We really subscribe to the fact that today is a world of ‘Death by Powerpoint’; we need to have more sustainable tools which help in learning retention across levels & geographies. These interventions really get participants intrigued about processes, enhance productivity & creativity within. We also bring forth sustained learning through our other interventions like Lessons from Movies, Paintball, Laser Tag or Xbox.


Working around deep insightful frameworks of Unconventional Consulting & Executive Coaching is very close to our heart.