You are currently viewing “ Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

Life has its own strange ways of flowing, like a river, which is undecipherable by the human mind.

We, as living beings, it is our choice – do we want to remain mere spectators or players who adapt to every opportunity & curve ball it throws at us?

How many times has this thought crossed your mind?

How many times have you looked up at the sky & wondered what would happen if your life was different?

It has occurred to all of us at least once that even after doing everything plausible, we end up in an unexpected situation or facing an unanticipated roadblock?

What do you do in such difficult times?

How do you move past it & embrace the beauty of life as it is?

Share your experiences with us – when life gave you lemons but you made lemonade out of them.
