You are currently viewing Developing a Leadership Style: Finding Your Authentic Voice

“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” 

– Ray Kroc 

A significant percentage of businesses worldwide, approximately 77%, report deficiencies in leadership within their organizations. This prevalent issue highlights a critical challenge to all organizations in the form of leadership effectiveness & growth. Effective leadership is essential for guiding teams, establishing strategies & cultivating a positive work culture. But when leadership is lacking, organizations often experience unclear objectives, ineffective communication & diminished employee morale. 

A leader’s ability to adapt their leadership style to suit the challenges faced in the organization is crucial for enhancing their effectiveness & driving organizational success.  

Developing a leadership style that aligns with one’s authentic self is a journey of self-discovery & personal growth. A leader’s style is influenced by psychological & personal factors as well as specific situations. This highlights the need for flexible & adaptable leadership.  

 What are Leadership Styles? 

Leadership styles refer to the different approaches or behaviors that leaders exhibit in their interactions with others, their decision-making processes & how they manage & motivate their teams. There are several recognized leadership styles, each with its own characteristics & implications for organizational dynamics & effectiveness.  

One in five employees worldwide are at risk of burnout due to lack of leadership engagement. This shows how important it is for leaders to adapt & be versatile. Leadership styles can be situational, meaning that effective leaders often tailor their approach based on the specific circumstances, challenges & needs of their team & organization. A versatile leader may draw upon different styles as needed to effectively lead their team towards achieving goals & fostering a positive work environment. 

The Leadership Spectrum: Finding Your Style  

Transformational Leadership 

The transformational & transactional leadership styles are extensively documented in the work of Bernard Bass, an eminent American psychologist known for his contributions to leadership studies. Transformational leaders are distinguished by their ability to inspire & motivate team members through a compelling vision & a focus on empowering individuals to achieve this vision. Research indicates that transformational leadership can enhance team performance by up to 78%, highlighting its significant impact on achieving superior outcomes.  

Actionable Tips: 

  • Articulate a Clear Vision 
  • Encourage Open Communication  
  • Promote Collaboration  
  • Create a Supportive Environment 
  • Provide Ongoing Guidance  
  • Offer Mentorship 

Transactional Leadership 

Transactional leaders emphasize clear roles, responsibilities & expectations. They use rewards & punishments to motivate team members to achieve specific goals. Transactional leaders are effective in stable & structured environments where tasks are routine & require adherence to established procedures. 

Actionable Tips: 

  • Set Clear Milestones 
  • Establish a Reward System 
  • Support Adherence to Deadlines 
  • Provide Regular Feedback 
  • Maintain Clear Communication 
  • Recognize Achievements 

Autocratic Leadership 

Autocratic leaders make decisions independently without consulting their team members. They have strong control over their team & expect strict compliance with their directives. This style is effective in situations requiring quick decisions or in emergencies but may lead to low morale if overused. 

Actionable Tips: 

  • Make Swift Decisions 
  • Respond Quickly to Changes 
  • Prioritize Efficiency 
  • Communicate Changes Clearly 
  • Provide Clear Direction 
  • Monitor Impact 

Democratic Leadership 

Democratic leaders involve team members in the decision-making process by seeking their input, ideas, & feedback. They value collaboration, consensus-building, & transparency in decision-making. This style can enhance employee engagement & satisfaction. 

Actionable tips: 

  • Organize Brainstorming Sessions 
  • Two-way Feedback 
  • Facilitate Collective Decision-Making 
  • Value Team Contributions 
  • Promote Inclusive Participation 
  • Document & Review Contributions 

Laissez-Faire Leadership 

Laissez-faire leaders adopt a hands-off approach & provide minimal guidance to their team members. They trust their team’s expertise & decision-making abilities, allowing them to work independently. This style works best with highly skilled & motivated teams but may lead to lack of direction in less experienced teams. 

Actionable Tips: 

  • Grant Autonomy 
  • Encourage Innovation 
  • Set Broad Guidelines 
  • Foster Self-Management 
  • Provide Resources & Support 
  • Review Progress Periodically 

Unleash your Leadership Style – How? 


Take time to reflect on your values, strengths, & weaknesses. Understand what motivates you & what principles guide your decisions. Consider your past experiences & how they have shaped your leadership approach. 

Identify Your Leadership Values 

Define the core values that are important to you as a leader. These values will serve as the foundation of your leadership style & guide your actions & decisions. Examples of values could include integrity, empathy, transparency, or innovation. 

Embrace Your Strengths  

Recognize your unique strengths & talents. Authentic leadership is about leveraging your strengths to inspire & influence others. Identify how you can use your strengths to make a positive impact within your team or organization. 

Be True to Yourself 

Authentic leadership requires genuine & honest communication. Be true to yourself & others by expressing your thoughts & feelings openly. Avoid trying to imitate someone else’s leadership style & instead focus on being genuine in your interactions. 

Seek Feedback 

Ask for feedback from trusted colleagues, mentors, or team members about your leadership style. This feedback can provide valuable insights into how others perceive your strengths & areas for improvement. 

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